Oregon Origins Project I: Indigenous Voices

Reed College Performing Arts Building
October 22, 2022, 7:30pm

a one-of-a-kind gathering of Native American artists and culture bearers from across Oregon

Jake DePoe, Two-Spirit Sisters Speaking (2020) [detail]

Audience comments

“The stories about how they were tied to the land, especially the story about putting [mud from the land] in a newborn’s mouth, were very powerful.”

“Truly centering Indigenous voices and practices, and also challenging the idea that there is a monolithic ‘Native American’ or even ‘Native Oregonian’ culture/experience/perspective. And stressing that this isn’t just about the past; Native Oregonians are here, living now.”

“This was a moving demonstration, an embodiment of cultural values, and I needed to hear everything [that was] said.”

Oregon Origins Project I: Indigenous Voices was generously supported by Ronni Lacroute, the Regional Arts and Culture Council, Reed College Division of the Arts, and Reed College Department of Anthropology.


Oregon Origins Project II: Seven Wonders